Jorraptor表示,《刺客教條:幻景》去年在PlayStation Showcase中出現,顯示了Ubisoft和Sony可能有合作的跡象。這讓人聯想到過去,Ubisoft曾利用《刺客教條:起源》來宣傳Xbox One X的半代升級。因此,這次《刺客教條:RED》可能成為展示PS5 Pro強大機能的重要機會。
I can totally see Asssassin's Creed Red be the title they use push the PS5 Pro and show the capabilities.
Similar to how AC Origins was used to heavily promote the Xbox One X back in 2017.
AC Mirage showed up at the PS Showcase last year, maybe the start of that partnership.
— JorRaptor (@Jorraptor)
根據先前的傳聞,PS5 Pro有望在今年底發售,而《刺客教條》系列過往的發售窗口都在10至12月,這讓人相信《刺客教條:RED》有可能在PS5 Pro首發時進行護航。