打寶TPS 《The First Descendant》大量玩家湧入網絡壓力爆煲

遊戲 梦茹

We have noticed that game connections are temporarily unavailable.

■ Details
- Game connection error
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this error.

We are promptly working to identify the cause and resolve it. Once it’s resolved, we will make a prompt notice.

— The First Descendant (@FirstDescendant)

Nexon 官方在推特上表示:「我們注意到遊戲暫時無法連接。對於給各位帶來的不便,我們深表歉意。目前,我們正迅速查明問題並加以解決。」




打寶TPS 《The First Descendant》大量玩家湧入網絡壓力爆煲

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